The Woman In Black
The Woman In Black A drama/thriller by Stephen Malatratt Directed by Loretta Bishop Season 3 2012: 22 August to 8 September Based on the novel by Susan Hill A spine chilling tale about a lawyer who hires an actor to tutor him in telling a troubling story to his friends and family surrounding the events which transpired at the funeral of an elderly recluse, where he saw the "woman in black", a terrifying ghost who haunts the neighbourhood where her illegitimate child was accidentally killed. Anyone who sees this ghost dies! The lawyer has invited some friends to watch as he and the actor recreate the events of that dark and stormy night.

Arthur Kipps:
An Actor:
Assistant to the Director:
Set and Lighting Design:
Lighting Assistants:
Sound Design and Operation:
Stage Manager:
Additional Costumes:
Stage Crew:
Lighting Operation:
Scenic Artist:
Rehearsal Prompt:
Set Construction:
Front of House Manager:
Assisted by the ladies and gentlemen of the Lilydale Athenaeum Theatre
Program and Poster Design: