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Lyrebird Award Nominations 2018

Congratulations to our wonderful teams that made 2018 such a success! Over 40 Lyrebird nominations across all four productions! Thank you to everyone who helped bring these unforgettable productions to life.

Lyrebird Award Nominations 2018

Best Sound in a Comedy - Moonlight and Magnolias: Nicholas Ryan

Best Sound in a Drama - The Elephant Man: Chris Shaw

Best Sound in a Drama - The History Boys: Helen Ellis

Best Set in a Comedy - Moonlight and Magnolias: David Dare

Best Set in a Comedy - Sylvia: Graham McGuffie

Best Set in a Drama - The Elephant Man: Chris Shaw

Best Set in a Drama - The History Boys: John Shelbourn

Best Lighting in a Comedy - Moonlight and Magnolias: Nicholas Ryan

Best Lighting in a Drama - The Elephant Man: Robin Le Blond

Best Lighting in a Drama - The History Boys: David Brown

Best Costume in a Comedy - Moonlight and Magnolias: Maria Smedes

Best Costume in a Comedy - Sylvia: Sylvia Carr & Margaret Bayley

Best Costume in a Drama - The Elephant Man: Sylvia Carr & Margaret Bayley & Maria Smedes

Best Costume in a Drama - The History Boys: Maria Smedes

Highly Commended Performance in a Drama - The History Boys: Ethan Back

Highly Commended Performance in a Drama - The History Boys: Gilbert Gauci

Best Youth Performance in a Drama - The History Boys: Josh Mitchell

Best Supporting Actress in a Comedy - Sylvia: Lindy Yeates

Best Supporting Actress in a Comedy - Moonlight and Magnolias: Angela Glennie

Best Supporting Actress in a Drama - The Elephant Man: Donna Cleverley

Best Supporting Actress in a Drama - The Elephant Man: Anna Ruth Laird

Best Supporting Actress in a Drama - The History Boys: Genevieve Ryan

Best Supporting Actor in a Comedy - Moonlight and Magnolias: Ben Freeland

Best Supporting Actor in a Comedy - Moonlight and Magnolias: Tim Murphy

Best Supporting Actor in a Drama - The Elephant Man: Laurie Jezard

Best Supporting Actor in a Drama - The Elephant Man: Phillip Stephenson

Best Supporting Actor in a Drama - The History Boys: Trent Bockman

Best Supporting Actor in a Drama - The History Boys: Lachlan Glennie

Best Supporting Actor in a Drama - The History Boys: Josh Mitchell

Best Actor in a Comedy - Moonlight and Magnolias: Philip Lambert

Best Actor in a Comedy - Sylvia: Peter Roberts

Best Actor in a Drama - The Elephant Man: Michael Fenemore

Best Actor in a Drama - The Elephant Man: Blake Stringer

Best Actor in a Drama - The History Boys: Keith Hutton

Best Director in a Comedy - Moonlight and Magnolias: Alan Burrows

Best Director in a Comedy - Sylvia: Catherine Garside

Best Director in a Drama - The History Boys: Helen Ellis

Best Director in a Drama - The Elephant Man: Chris Shaw

Best Production Comedy - Moonlight and Magnolias

Best Production Comedy - Sylvia

Best Production Drama - The Elephant Man

Best Production Drama - The History Boys

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39-41 Castella St, Lilydale VIC 3140

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PO BOX 393, Lilydale VIC 3140

Theatre Office Hours are 10am-2pm Monday, Tuesday and Friday.

Evening performances,

7.30pm doors open, 8.00pm start.

Matinee performances,

1.30pm doors open, 2.00pm start

The Lilydale Athenaeum Theatre Company respectfully acknowledges the Wurundjeri people as the traditional owners of the land on which the theatre stands.

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Our traditional sherries before the show and sparkling wine after are again being served. 

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