Breaker Morant
Breaker Morant A play by Kenneth G. Ross Directed by Alan Burrows Season 2 2016: 25 May to 11 June With kind permission from Kenneth G. Ross and the Lilydale RSL In South Africa during the Second Boer War, Australian Army Lieutenants Harry "Breaker" Morant, Peter Handcock and George Witton stand accused of the murders of six Boer prisoners and the assassination of a German missionary. British Commander-in-Chief Lord Kitchener is determined to see the men found guilty, which he can then use as a bargaining chip in an impending peace conference with the Boers. Though they acted under orders, they are being used as scapegoats by the General Staff. During his lifetime, Harry 'The Breaker' Morant, became a popular hero through daring feats of horsemanship and for the bush ballads which he regularly contributed to The Bulletin and other papers. His court martial and subsequent shooting by the British sparked a huge controversy in Australia. A controversy which still rages to this day, and which may never be resolved.

Lt. Harry (Breaker) Morant:
Lt. Peter Handcock:
Lt. George Witton:
Major Thomas:
President of the Court:
Assistant Presiding Officer/Court Orderly:
Lord Kitchener:
Major Bolton:
Mr Robertson:
Dr Johnson:
Sergeant-Major Drummitt:
Captain Taylor:
Trooper Botha:
Corporal Sharp:
Van Rooyan:
Colonel Hamilton:
Assistant Director:
Set Design:
Lighting Design:
Stage Manager:
Stage Crew:
Sound and Visual Design and Operation:
Lighting Operation:
Set Painting:
Meagan Burton, Stephen Burton, Tanya Burton, Ian Carter, Alex Carter, Fiona Carter, Emily Carter, David Dare
Set Construction:
Facebook page:
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Front of House Coordinator:
Assisted by the ladies and gentlemen of the Lilydale Athenarum Theatre